Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Prof. Sanjeev Gupta(HOD)

  • Designation: Associate Professor
  • Qualification: ME , PhD
  • Area of Interest: Power Electronics
  • Phone No: 9425150167
  • E-Mail:

About the Electrical Engineering Department

Welcome To Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering: The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering of UIT RGPV, Shivpuri established in the year 2020 With the Total Intake Of 60 Students along with development of specialized laboratories.

Our Electrical & Electronics Engineering Program Is Designed to Provide Students with The Necessary Knowledge, Skills, And Practical Experience to Succeed in The Dynamic And Constantly Evolving Field Of Electrical Engineering.

The Program Comprises a Comprehensive Curriculum That Covers Topics Such as Circuit Analysis, Electronics, Power Systems, Control Systems, Generation and Distribution. Our State-Of-The-Art Facilities, Including Modern Classrooms, Well-Equipped Laboratories, And Cutting-Edge Workshops, Provide Students with An Excellent Learning Environment That Complements their Academic Pursuits. Our Experienced Faculty Uses a Combination of Theoretical and Practical Instruction Methods to Provide Students With A Well-Rounded Education.


To Provide Practical Knowledge and Enrich the Problem-Solving Skills of The Students in The Field Of Electrical Engineering With A Focus To Prepare The Students For Industry Need And Self-Employment.


  • M1: Prepare The Students with Strong Fundamental Concepts, Analytical Capability, And Problem-Solving Skills.
  • M2: Provide Opportunities to Promote Organizational and Leadership Skills in Students Through Various Extra- Curricular and Co-Curricular Events.
  • M3: To Make the Students as Far as Possible Industry Ready to Enhance Their Employability in The Industries.
  • M4: To Create Social Awareness and Responsibility in Students for Serving the Society and Protect the Environment.
  • M5: To Develop Entrepreneurship Skills for Professional and Societal Needs.

Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Mr. Sanjeev Gupta

Asst. Professor

1. Mrs. Shweta Gupta

2. Mrs. Monika Khatri

3. Mrs. Akanksha Umarcar

4. Mr. Purnanand Singraul

5. Mr. Devendra Ahirwar

6. Mrs. Priyanka Yadav

7. Mr. Monu Ram Tyagi

Lab Assistant

Mr. Ravindra Narbaria


Sr. No

Name of the Laboratory

Name of Important Equipment

1. Electrical Machine Lab Series, Shunt, Compound Motors, Series, Shunt & Compound Generators
2. Basic Electrical Lab A.C. Circuit Lab: RL, RC, RLC D.C. Circuit Labs Ohm’s law kit, Series & Parallel Kit, KCL, KVL, Network Theorems Kit.
3. Power Electronics Lab SCR Triggering circuits, Choppers, Speed control of methods, CRO, IGBT, DSO
4. Basic Electronics Lab Training boards for various semiconductor devices,LED, transistors, Zener diode, PN junction diode, oscillators, amplifiers, half wave-full wave rectifier
5. Digital Electronics Lab Half Adder, Full Adder, Multiplexer, De- multiplexer, Flip flops, BCD to Seven segment decoder
6. Network Analysis Lab Ohm’s law kit, Series & Parallel Kit, KCL, KVL, Network Theorems Kit, Two port network
7. Control System Lab Servo Motor, Synchronous Transmitter & receiver, Time response of second order system
8. Electrical & electronics Instrumentation lab Function generator, photo-voltaic transducer, Megger, Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin double bridge, LVDT & Capacitance transducer, Schering & Anderson bridge